Video from Les Feria Fetes de Bayonne 2006 ! I just came back from the huge fiesta in Bayonne, Pays Basque, France. Was active every single night! Five nights in a row! Now i’m completly drained, no more energy! It started August 2 until Sunday August 6. I was accompanied by a bunch of crazy friends ready to do anything to get attention! Some of the highlights consist of Course de Vachette (cow rodeo), climbing on a 5 meter pole in front of the Hotel de Ville, a banda playing some music while crossing the most crowded streets, climbing a very steep hill etc.

Check out the official Fetes de Bayonne website
Date : August 10, 2006 — filmed / edited by Arnaud J.

OTHER PICS OF BAYONNE FERIA :: Fetes de Bayonne 2007Fetes de Bayonne 2005

DLOAD ALL THE BAYONNE FERIA 2006 PHOTOS ( ZIP – 114 photos – 14Mo – 800×600 )

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Feria de Bayonne 2006Feria de Bayonne 2006Feria de Bayonne 2006Feria de Bayonne 2006Feria de Bayonne 2006Feria de Bayonne 2006Feria de Bayonne 2006Feria de Bayonne 2006Feria de Bayonne 2006Course Vachette Bayonne 2006Foulard Rouge Bayone 2006

Chateau Fetes de Bayana 2006Jean-Paul Amours Feria Baoina 2006Gros seins fetes de bayonne 2006

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